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Monday, January 25, 2016

Zika Virus

Aedes aegypti CDC-Gathany.jpgZika is a mosquito-borne illness that is spread by the Aedes species of mosquito, the mosquito also responsible for the transmission of dengue and chikungunya viruses.Zika virus is transmitted by daytime-active mosquitoes and has been isolated from a number of species in the genus Aedes, such as A. aegypti, and arboreal mosquitoes such as A. africanusA. apicoargenteusA. furciferA. hensilliA. luteocephalus, and A. vitattus.

Signs and symptoms of Zika virus are vague and can last for up to a week. Diagnosis of the virus is typically confirmed with a blood test.

Symptoms of Zika virus include:
Joint pain
Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
Muscle pain
Pain behind the eyes


Data suggest that newborns of mothers who had a Zika virus infection during the first trimester of pregnancy are at an increased risk for microcephaly. Since December 2015, it has been suspected (but not proven) that a transplacental infection of the fetus may lead to microcephaly and brain damage.

Aedes aegypti distribution

Here are some key points about Zika. 
  • Zika virus cases typically occur in tropical climates
  • Symptoms of Zika virus infection can last for up to a week
  • The majority of people infected with Zika virus do not display any symptoms
  • Cases of Zika virus infection that result in hospitalization are uncommon
  • A link between maternal Zika infection and infant microcephaly is currently being investigated
  • As yet, there is not enough evidence to fully characterize the link between the two conditions
  • There is currently no evidence of Zika virus transmission via breastfeeding
  • At present, there is no treatment for the virus
  • Avoiding mosquito bites is a key aspect of Zika virus prevention.

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